Monthly Archives: September 2021

Settling into New Space

Hey again – been a while, I know. There were reasons, as there always are. Primary among these was the previously-alluded-to move and the time it took to get set up here. It’s gone reasonably well, and things are starting to feel settled, but with me they always take time.

I tend to be a sort of stay-at-home kind of person, and for good or ill I know I derive some comfort from having familiar things around me. So, the time when the old place was mostly in boxes made things a bit less comfortable for me, because the familiar place stopped feeling so familiar and the beloved things were packed away.

And then after the move, there’s this strange dislocation where I’m in the new place, but even though the familiar things gradually get unpacked, it’s still a new place, and so there’s nowhere that feels like home. At least, not immediately. And so again I feel that absence of comfort.

It’s gradually going away, as I get used to where I live now, and in the grand scheme of potential problems this is far from a bad one. But it takes a minute, and I always find it interesting how much space and surroundings affect us, or at least some of us.

Maybe that’s something I can use in something later, when it’s writing time again.

Soon, I hope.

Thanks for reading.

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